Lahore Digital Arts


Lahore Digital Arts Festival (LDF) aims to celebrate the emerging digital culture of Pakistan by bringing together a community of artists and audiences to explore the intersection of art, technology and everything in-between. LDF seeks to nurture dialogue around art accessibility, creative exchange, and experimental expression to commemorate the growing interest groups in the areas of art and technology. The festival will bring together people from all backgrounds, whether they are artists, designers, scientists, enthusiasts, experts or other interconnect- ed walks of life. In doing this, LDF hopes to help flourish digital creativity and diversify art in Pakistan, and South-Asia at large.

A conservative preference for the traditional arts has meant that the art community has been unable to give due attention to the digital arts in Pakistan. Despite the increasing popularity of digital art in the country, traditional art galleries here have yet to welcome technological innovations in artistic forms on a wider scale.

LDF is here to change that.

At LDF, we believe that all artists, no matter what medium they’re working in, deserve recognition and space. This is why, in addition to forming a connection between the burgeoning art and technology communities in Pakistan, we’d like to use our resources to exhibit the works of digital artists both in Pakistan and abroad. LDF will curate an annual festival that will enable artists from all over the world to showcase their works through our website. In addition to a yearly festival, we will also organize showcases in collaboration with partner organizations and artists from all over the world.

We invite you to be a part of this journey and adapt to the syncretic relationship between art and technology. Alongside positioning your brand with our festival, you’ll also be able to reach out to newer audiences and collaborations that will help cement the discourse of digital art on an International scale.

The above was taken from Lahore Digital Arts Festival’s website. The festival is free and will take place online from 5 to 23 March 2021.


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